About Rachel

In six years in office Rachel has established a record of fighting for the people of Central New York. She is focused on improving the lives of families and helping businesses thrive  in cities like Syracuse and Auburn, on assuring good water quality and quality of life in the Finger Lakes, and fighting for social justice and environmental sanity in all aspects of state and local government.  During her time in office, the Legislature has passed early voting and other significant election reforms, protected New Yorkers' reproductive rights, and passed the strongest climate protection legislation in the country. Some issues where Rachel has taken the lead include:

Rachel chairs Cities 2, the committee on upstate cities, and the Legislative Commission on Rural Resources. She serves on the Elections, Agriculture, Aging, Health, Environmental Conservation, and Housing committees.

Prior to taking elective office, Rachel had several careers - directing sustainability education at Syracuse University, teaching Russian language and literature at Macalester College and SUNY Stony Brook, and teaching high school math in Connecticut and the Dominican Republic. She earned a BA at Princeton, Masters degrees at Oxford and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and a Ph.D. at Stanford. She has one adult child, who will also study for a master's degree at ESF, starting in 2024.